Do you want to know about the methods to start earning passive income through Cryptocurrency ?
Do you want to exchange your Bitcoins into rising ALT Coins or Stable Coins ?
Or do you simply want to buy some crypto with normal FIAT currency?
Your answer for all the above questions is same - Trading Platforms for Crypto !
There are many coin exchange platforms that have been introduced since the roar of BTC Price in recent years. We can sign up to those websites free of cost and start investing or exchanging between the numerous coin pairs in the market.
NOTE: This is not Financial Advice. This is just for the purpose providing information !!
The following are some good Crypto Trading Platforms:
1) Binance
- Binance is almost unanimously the most used and top rated trading platform available as of now.
- Binance has its own coin offering BNB
- Huge number of binance users contribute to good circulating supply in all coins.
- Staking is available and on some coins/tokens.
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2) MXC
- Mxc is also widely used (not as popular as Binance though).
- This website offers some rare and newly introduced coins for trading.
- Provides good Graphical User Interface for Visualization of graphs and market trends.
- Staking available for some coins/tokens.
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3) CoinBase
- If you are beginner and you only want to start it simple with only the popular coins, then Coinbase might suit you.
- Limited and only wide known coins are offered for exchanging.
- Simple Interface. Mobile app available.
- Advanced traders would not use coinbase much.
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4) WazirX (Especially for India)
- WazirX is a great platform for Indian users because it offers trading in INR directly. Conversion charges can be avoided for Indian users.
- WazirX is a part of Binance and can transfer your assets between these two.
- Staking not available.
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